Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Table Mountain

(Table Mountain in the Columbia River Gorge)

We headed out to the Columbia River Gorge yesterday for some good ultra training. Every time I've been out there in my short time living in Oregon has been an unforgettable experience. Monday was no different and added a new route to my list.

Trail run du jour: Table Mountain

Joe had the day off for President's Day and waited for me to finish my obligations so we could enjoy some of the uncharacteristically warm, dry February weather. We crossed the Bridge of the Gods, parked the car, and off we went through the beautiful Pacific Crest Trail just across the border into Washington. We linked on to a different trail and began our ascent to the very fitting name of Heartbreak Ridge.

If you are looking for a run that has a nice variety of terrain, elevation change, and technical rocky sections this is a good one. This route has some very strenuous sections but worth every moment especially once you summit the 4,000 foot peak. We ended up doing a lolly pop loop after we hit the top and descended back down to the car with about 17 miles on the Garmin. It took us just under three hours and we both felt satisfied in how strong we ran.

After looking back at the peak while driving west on I-84 back to Portland it's almost surreal and dream-like to realize that we just powered our way to the top of that beautiful open faced mountain. I'll now never look at it the same way.

On to the next...

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