Sunday, February 15, 2009

Time for a Massage?

Those of you who have had a quality full body massage know how good it feels afterward and what a healing touch can do for your body and mind.

As a runner, having a sports massage on a somewhat regular basis will help your body to recover from the aches and pains of your long runs, improve suppleness, and the kneading and stroking motions of a deep massage will improve your circulation, help to flush out waste products and improve your flexibility. Also, a sports massage will not only tackle physiological problems, but the psychological advantages such as reinvigoration and the reduction of stress and mental tension will be beneficial as well.

OK… so we have listed some of the pros of getting massage...let’s take a look at some cons: First off I must say that I think the pros largely outweigh the cons…The biggest and mo
st popular con is MONEY$...however, it is money well spent and I have found some ways to be economical in this area:

1) Most private massage therapists (not in a spa or establishment) will work out some sort of deal with you if you buy a package of treatments. For example…instead of purchasing one massage at $75 you can buy five for $300 or something along these lines.

2) Look for a massage school in your area and find out if they have clinics where the students can practice on you! I have been a "practice test dummy" many times and, although you often get mediocre massages (offer positive feedback and constructive criticism), it is very inexpensive. Once in a while you will get the massage you have been waiting for. The only other con that I can think of is finding a massage therapist that knows the body well in terms of being a long distance runner. If possible try and find a massage therapist that also runs. I definitely treat myself to an hour massage once a week or once every two weeks during periods of high mileage…(like right now!)

If you are in the Ithaca, NY area I recommend Dominique Fry. She is very experienced in a few different areas of massage therapy, also teaches yoga, and is a casual runner. Dominique will get you back on the good foot and does it right out of her cozy studio in Fall Creek. Wow…after all this talk I am really looking forward to my appointment next Monday!

If this is all too much for you there are many ways to get similar benefits by self massage…go ahead and You Tube it…you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Most health clubs have a foam roller that you can manipulate to get into tight spots in your iliotibial band, quads, and hamstrings. All right that’s my spiel…good luck!

I had another great week of running amidst the school work starting to pile up.

Miles for the week: 95

Monday= easy 6 miles in morning on Tri-for-the-Y run course; 1-hour massage in afternoon

Tuesday= Speed work-10 miles total- 2.5 mi. warm up- one mile @ 5:44, rest/jog 3 min.- two consecutive miles @ 5:54 & 5:38, rest/jog/walk 5 min.- one mile @ 5:48- cool down 2.5 miles
Wednesday= Lifted weights at Island Health club in morning; easy 8 miles in evening downtown Ithaca through Stewart Park and Fall Creek
Thursday= 15 mile run from apt. down through Cayuga Heights, Cornell, downtown, Buttermilk Falls, Bostwick, 13A to finish at Finger Lakes Running Company
Friday= 9 miles in morning running Warren Rd., Asbury, Farrell loop w/ add on; 9 miles in evening (3miles w/ Kandace’s dog Max- check him out snoozing after our run!) on Black Diamond Trail and Cass Park
Saturday= 18 miles-tempo work- first six miles at a 7:03/mi. pace- next six miles at a 6:18/mi. pace- recovered for two miles- two miles at a 6:28/mi. pace- two mile cool down
Sunday= 10 miles in morning over Mt. Pleasant to Mineah w/ Bruce R., Brian T., and Molly; 10 miles in evening running Ithaca 5&10 course with Mark T.

I have been very pleased with how I have been feeling and running but I am making sure I listen closely to my body. The next two weeks will take me into the 100’s mileage-wise with a winter marathon training run included next weekend in Albany. Then I will start my taper for H.A.T. 50K. in Susquehanna State Park, Maryland. Until then we’ll see you on the roads and hopefully the trails real soon!

Quote of the week: “I wish chiefly to impress on all athletes who may read this that if they wish to excel at any branch of sport they must train. Train steadily, consistently, and constantly, and always bare in mind that however well they may be doing it is still possible for them to do better.”---Alf Shrubb


TonyP said...

So true about massage. I got lucky yesterday and one of my friends knows someone who is in massage therapy school and needs practice hours. I'm hoping to cash in on that !

UltraChris said...

Rock on, Yassine! There is nothing better than a good massage! It's well worth the investment. Can't wait for HAT - & to get on the trails, see the flowers, and experience Spring.